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Solar energy

Get to know us
We are the foundation of your productivity
We are a company specialized in the total management of pallets, through the transfer of knowledge, technology and product to its customers, increasing the efficiency of its value chain. We have: trained and committed personnel in the search for value for our clients; information systems for timely decision making; and processes that generate less environmental impact.

We are the foundation of your productivity
We are a company specialized in the total management of pallets, through the transfer of knowledge, technology and product to its customers, increasing the efficiency of its value chain.
We have: Trained and committed personnel in the search for value for our customers; Information systems for timely decision making; And processes that generate less environmental impact.

We are the foundation of your productivity
By 2025 Central de Maderas G&S S.A.S. will be positioned in the main consumer companies of pallets, as a strategic partner for its contribution in the management of this product.
Providing a cutting-edge and specialized service that determines the best market practices.
This based on the development of its personnel, technology and quality processes.
Commitments: We ensure savings for your company
- Increase your productivity side by side:
- Design of a service focused on efficiency and productivity, tailored to your needs.
- We offer effective answers that increase productivity according to the client's needs, with the purpose of maximizing savings and synergies in the chain.
- List item
- Going beyond compliance with current environmental regulations. Having a sustainable business vision and responsible environmental management.
- Our knowledge, experience, human and technical resources are at the service of our customers.
- Innovation, for Central de Maderas each company is different, each solution is adjusted to its reality.