Leaders in
Total management of wooden pallets
Supplier of new and used wooden pallets.
We ensure the reliable supplier of wooden pallets for national and international operations with available inventory for immediate delivery in 7 plants.
Why choose us...
The commitment to innovation and excellence has led CENTRAL DE MADERAS G&S SAS to produce and sell more than 50,000 units of new wooden pallets. Also, we repaired more than 30,000 units of wooden pallets per month.
We are the leading company in the manufacture wooden pallets in the Colombian market.
Total Pallet Management
Taking advantage of our plants nationwide, we have been able to present our clients with a nationwide system of recovery and maintenance of Stowage, having experiences where we have been able to save our clients up to 60% of the total invested annually.

New and used pallets for sale

Environment and recycling
Nimf-15 Export
Nimf-15 export
See more...The wood used in our products comes 100% from reforested forests, this helping to reduce the impact on the environment.
Eco Stowage
Buying and Selling Used Pallets:
Start saving with our used pallet recovery and sale model.
We specialize in recovering the wood material you discard, and we also focus on zero waste, and from that we produce used pallets and other by-products.
Latest News...
Treeconomy: Our platform for sustainable reforestation
We built an investment platform in reforestation to ensure the sustainability of our products, and today we have more than 500 hectares of reforested forests, in these forests you can also have your own trees.
Visit our commercial forestry investment platform right now.